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ICLHE 2017: Integrating Content and Language in Multilingual Universities

Mingling before dinner in Copenhagen 2017.jpg

The 5th Integrating Content and Language in Higher Education (ICLHE) conference took place at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark, from the 4th to the 7th October 2017.


Keynote speakers

Emma Dafouz, Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain

Anne Holmen, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Diane Pecorari, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong


The conference was organised by the Centre for Internationalisation and Parallel Language Use by 

Joyce Kling, University of Copenhagen (co-chair), Slobodanka Dimova, University of Copenhagen (co-chair), and â€‹Patrick Wonsyld, University of Copenhagen (Conference secretary).


2017 Message from the ICLHE Chair


The theme of the conference is “Integrating content and language in multilingual universities”, with a key emphasis on linguistic diversity. And what an amazing journey we have travelled over the past few decades! Not very long ago almost all teaching and learning in our universities took place through our local language. That was the language both inside the lecture hall and classroom and outside in academic social life. Now just take stock of the change! Our universities have become home to hundreds and thousands of students and academics from across the world. And we send out equal numbers to all corners of the globe, too. The academic community is a counterpane of cultural and linguistic diversity. And yet how much do our universities make use of this wonderful opportunity?


ICLHE stands for integrating content and language, not only in the context of academic disciplines, but also in terms of the cultures and languages that the new academic community brings together. And it challenges us to seek to ensure academic learning in a multilingual and multicultural environment where no one loses out because of their own language or culture. As the great Danish philosopher, Søren Kierkegaard, said, "At vove er at miste fodfæstet for en stund, ikke at vove er at miste sig selv" - "To dare is to lose one's footing momentarily. Not to dare is to lose oneself". You have come from far and wide to this most liveable city. Enjoy the conference, enjoy the city, live its simple pleasures. That’s hygge for you.


Robert Wilkinson



The book of abstracts for ICLHE 2017 is available for download.


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