Higher Education Provision through Minority Languages: International Policies, Practices and Perspectives
Monday 30th January @ 9-00 CET
Competition between languages for time and status in higher education programmes often leads to the habitual use of one language over the other—with the societally dominant language being the categorical winner. In this webinar, a panel of international representatives from Hawaii, the Basque Country and Scotland will explore minority language ICLHE from a range of perspectives. Programmes and studies representing a range of international contexts will be showcased to illustrate that effective policy and practice must attend to both content and minority language and include an emphasis on strategies for content and minority language integration. Implications for meaningful minority language ICLHE design will be discussed, gaps in current provision identified and future innovations explored.

Kananinohea Makaimoku, University of Hawaii at Hilo

Dr Junkal Gutierrez, University of the Basque Country

Dr Inge Birnie, University of Stratclyde, Scotland.
Panel discussion moderator/facilitator : Dr T.J. Ó Ceallaigh, University College Cork, Ireland.
Please register your interest to participate in this webinar here by 27th January 2023.
The webinar will take place through zoom. A link will be sent to you in a separate email the day before the webinar.
Please note this event is accessible to members only, to join us go to ICLHE: https://www.iclhe.org/joinus